torsdag den 21. februar 2013

What's the best time to work out?

What's the best time to work out?

"What's the best time to work out?" A lot of people are asking that question and are thinking about it and are trying to plan the everyday because of it... But let me give you the answer... It's up to YOU when the best time is to exercise! Don't do what the experts tell you to do, but listen to them and take their advice as a guide line and make your own best time... Your own happy hour! 
Of course there's a difference if you do your work out in the morning, afternoon or evening. But really, the best time is what fits the most for you, for your everyday. And that is the only thing that matters. If you can't do your work out in the morning, then don't! Do it when you have the time and want to.

Here's my advice on the different time to work out:


You wake up early, get up and hit the gym! At this time you can still be pretty tied because of the sleep and maybe you've had a nice breakfast or not. But, if you are going to do you work out in the morning then make sure that you get a good night sleep and something good to eat before you do it. At this hour you need to be really focused both mentally and physically and that can be a little difficult because you've just been asleep for hours! So, get up and get something to eat with a good amount of protein and carbs! You need to get your stomach going!
This is a good time to do your work out I think. You just woke up so you don't have a lot of stuff going on in your mind, so you can easily focus on your work out and you're done at the start of the day. And it gives you a good boost through the day.
But it can be a little tough because of the lack of energi.
Personally I prefer to do my work out in the morning. 


You've just got off your work and it's time to hit the gym! At this time you should have much more energi than in the morning because you've had a couple of meals more than breakfast. So your body should be full of energi to burn off! But at this point you can also have a lot of frustrations from work or something important to do later and that can have a big impact on your work out. Though is it nice to go from work to the gym and to your home and when you get home, then you're done and you can do what ever you want. 
Most of the time I do my work out in the afternoon after work and before I go home. 


You've just had a nice dinner and have picked up your children or maybe already done all the small things you had to do before you got home. So, now it's time to hit the gym! At this point you just had your dinner which gives you a good energi boost. You've probably done all you need so you can hit the gym with a good conscience and some good focus! Maybe you're a little tied because of the challenges of the day or maybe something big had happened, but you've also had the time to relax a little at home before hitting the gym.
This is probably the time that fits the most!

These are mine advices. You can use them or ignore them... But the most important thing is, that you find the best time yourself! Think about it! When can you do your work out? Only you know the answer. You just have to plan it. Good luck! :)

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