mandag den 11. februar 2013

A Little About Me (Past - Part two)

A Little About Me
(Past - Part two)

Okey, where were we...? Oh yea, that's right, High School! So, I went to High School after the year at the Boarding School in 2008. I remember it was a huge moment for me! In Denmark we don't have these big schools with lockers down the hallway and a big canteen where you can buy your lunch and a large field for football and other sports... But at Taarnby Gymnasium they had it all! It was like a enormous castle! It was a very special moment for the other newcomers and I. Walking through those doors was a great feeling and the moment i walked in I could feel the atmosphere, it was way too good.
The High School was, at that time, known for their social life. They had a lot of social events and they threw some of the best parties and celebrations that I've ever been to.
I didn't have a job or a sport to focus on at that time, so before I knew it I was in the circle of social events and parties! If the school didn't threw a party then the students did. So practically most of the students were drunk every Thursday night, Friday night and Saturday Night at least.. Aaaaaannnd most of the times I was too...
I got a job half way through the first year. I knew I had to have a job because the costs of all the partying was way too expensive. So I worked three times a week and partied in the weekends and it went on like that for the rest of the year..
But in the summer vacation, after the first year, my father asked me if I wanted to join the lokal fitness center with him and work out in the weekends. I said yes. At that time I had never been to a real fitness center so I was quite excited.
I have to admit.. I was sold from the very first time that I went to the gym. I was so sore after the first time! I really liked it. The pain made me feel alive. It was just great! And after a few times I knew that I had to do it more often, so I started hitting the gym a two to three times a week. And then school started again, second year, and I was excited! I had transformed a little and felt much happier and more healthy. But after a few weeks the partying started again. BUT, I kept doing my work out at the gym.
I have to say that my basic form was pretty good because of all the sport that I have been practiced through the years, so I got some nice results from the weight training pretty fast and I loved it! I worked out five times a week and partied every second weekend, because I knew and experienced how bad alcohol was for your body, so I limited the the intake of alcohol.
At the end of second year I was in a pretty nice shape! I was 19 years old and weighed about 90 kg which is almost 200 pounds and I had about 9% fat. I was happy, I was healthy and I was the huge guy in school!
But... In the summer vacation after second year I got sick... I got very sick... I got the disease Salmonella and I couldn't eat anything - If I was lucky I could eat about 500 grams of yogurt a day... I lost 12 kgs in two weeks and I was devastated... I felt that I had lost everything... I felt small and weak, and I was. And I wanted to quit and just stop working out because I had lost all that I've built... So, I got knocked down, but I got up again! And I decided to start running, because I could. I ran a couple of times a week and I was a good runner. I ran 3,6 kilometer in 12 minutes.
And when I started the third and last year of High School and had a solid everyday I started weight lifting again. I only partied and drank alcohol once every month, that was the limit. I worked out six times a week at the gym and I ate as healthy as I could. It was hard and tough for me to gain weight but I didn't give up and I kept the god flow for the rest of the year until I graduated in 2011 which was one of the best days in my life - buuuuut that's a whole other story.

After High School I had a real full time job and my training was solid and progressing and that is actually where I still am today - and yes, I'm going to tell you a lot about that! Just stay tuned. ;)

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