tirsdag den 19. februar 2013

Don't skip leg day!

Don't skip leg day!!

I guess you have seen this picture before or a similar one but the message is clear... Don't skip your leg day!! This phenomenon is also known as 'chicken legs' and I think it actually looks really stupid. 
I often see guys with a very muscular upper body but very small legs... It looks really asymmetric and it is funny to think about how they can walk with the gravity making them fall. 
Seriously don't skip your leg day. Don't even get that idea! There's nothing like a good and dirty leg work out. Your legs are the strongest parts of your body and they really needs to be used! So get under that bar and SQUAT! After that, go and do some leg press and calf raises and so on! Use your legs. Get them pumped up!
Girls, don't be afraid. It is actually really beautiful with fit and trimmed legs, so don't hold back.
Boys... Seriously... Never skip the leg day! That's not an option! Work out your legs like any other body part. It's really nice to have big and muscular legs.
It is also scientifically proven that your leg work out makes your body produce up to 30% more testosterone for your upper body. And that is needy!

At the moment I'm really working hard on my legs and I think it's going good! I have really strong and muscular legs but they are not that trimmed yet. But that's coming!

Here's some pictures that I took yesterday:

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